Time just keeps on moving along. So much to say, literally. Yet trying to identify those aspects of summer that really need to be shared (well, I find it necessary to share; I suspect most could care less. . . that's ok. hehehe) is hard.
The kids are back in school. Joshua is "back" in 11th grade, eventually he'll catch on that he should be out of school at some point,thus far, he's content to just keep on keeping on. Tray is sort of "back" in 9th grade. He is in 10th grade BOCES but, because he goes for a half day, he could only fit in one 9th grade regents course, necessitating him to stay at the 9th grade building for his Global History and English courses. So he is, on paper, a 9th grader but don't let him know that!! LOL Marriela is now in 7th grade and thus in the middle school. She is doing superbly thus far! I'm incredibly grateful that the transition has been smooth thus far. Home, that's another whole story. Cody is in 4th grade and just started an instrument. He wanted the tuba, but he wasn't granted the genetics for large lips and thus couldn't use the mouth piece, therefore, he was moved to the baritone (a smaller version of a tuba). He loves it and is very good if I say so myself. Although the only notes I can discern are all made using a variety of key combinations that aren't on his actual practice sheet, but hey, sounds good to me! He also went out for Student Council. Really?? Where did this overachiever nonsense come from? When asked what he would do to promote school spirit, character education and community service; he offered that every class that raises $20 towards a charity of their choice can have a pajama day. Now, for me, wearing my pj's to school was nightmare level stuff, but today kids think its awesome! He then went on to say, if they raise $40 they can also have a Pokemon Day. I'm pretty sure we departed from school spirit there to Cody spirit, but he was thrilled with his suggestions and wrote them down with pride. Sergio is "back" in 1st grade. By time he leaves elementary school he'll have mouton chops and a mustache and maybe 4 feet tall. He'll be a bad ass "little person" who eventually will use some sort of device to swear at me. I'm confident of that. And Nettie, well, she called to say "HaHa" to them all on the first day of school like any respectable big sister would.
Thus summer was also the tale of several not-so-fun hospital stays followed by an incredible Make A Wish trip. I'm going to do a whole update on the trip someday, it really deserves it's own dedicated posting. But suffice to say, it was AWESOME!!
I graduated from St. John's University with my M.Ed. in Education Administration. I was also successful in completing the bazillion requirements to be re-instated as a certified teacher of students with speech and language disabilities. I have since enrolled back in school at Liberty University in their doctoral program. I am looking forward to a day when I'm no longer in school, but also realize that I may as well use this time, when Sergio is not stable, to achieve things that will lead to bigger and better things in the future once he is stable. Peter will be finishing his MS in Mental Health Counseling this spring! What an accomplishment for him and he will pursue work immediately.
Yeah, there is so much more. I just can't think of it all now. . . really, the couch about 3 feet from me is literally calling my name, I swear I can hear it whispering "come lay down and take a nice nap before you finish reading Socrates. . .shhhhhhhh." That dang couch it's a terrible distraction. Sigh, I am going to resign to its calling.
Till next time!
Take Care and God Bless,
I graduated from St. John's University with my M.Ed. in Education Administration. I was also successful in completing the bazillion requirements to be re-instated as a certified teacher of students with speech and language disabilities. I have since enrolled back in school at Liberty University in their doctoral program. I am looking forward to a day when I'm no longer in school, but also realize that I may as well use this time, when Sergio is not stable, to achieve things that will lead to bigger and better things in the future once he is stable. Peter will be finishing his MS in Mental Health Counseling this spring! What an accomplishment for him and he will pursue work immediately.
Yeah, there is so much more. I just can't think of it all now. . . really, the couch about 3 feet from me is literally calling my name, I swear I can hear it whispering "come lay down and take a nice nap before you finish reading Socrates. . .shhhhhhhh." That dang couch it's a terrible distraction. Sigh, I am going to resign to its calling.
Till next time!
Take Care and God Bless,